9,203 research outputs found

    The Shane Wirtanen counts: Observability of the galaxy correlation function

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    For an explicit test of the ability to recover the galaxy two-point correlation function from the Lick catalog of Shane and Wirtanen, we have applied the reduction and analysis methods of Seidner et al. and Groth and Peebles to model galaxy distributions that have known plate and field "errors" and that are high-fidelity simulations of the Lick sample. The model galaxy space distribution is constructed with the Soneira-Peebles prescription, which generates model distributions which have two-, three-, and four-point correlation functions in good agreement with the observed correlation functions. The space distribution is projected onto the sky with and without plate "errors." The Seidner et al. analysis recovers the plate factors in the former case with an error of 6.3%, as originally estimated. The two-point correlation function estimated from the "corrected" model catalog reproduces the built-in correlation function including the break from the power law. This is also true if the angular scale of the break is increased or decreased by a factor of 1.76 from the observed value. We also compare a map of the corrected counts with a map of the counts projected without plate errors and find that the corrected map is a good visual representation of the galaxy distribution. Finally, we construct a simulation which includes systematic variations in plate sensitivity with observer and time-so called "plate shape gradients." Once again, the correlation function of the model catalog reproduces the built in correlation function

    The Effects of Surface Disturbances on the Leaching of Heavy Metals

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    The harmful effects of heavy metal contamination of surface waters impacted by gold mining activity are well documented. An examination was conducted on the effects of surface disturbances in Wade Creek on the concentrations of heavy metals in solution, and whether Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, a bacteria found in heavy metal contaminated drainages from placer mines, is found in the drainage. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was not detected in this particular setting. The effects of mining activity and relandscaping of stockpiled tailings showed in a short distance, a net increase of dissolved arsenic, copper, zinc, and iron. However, the long distance impact of dissolved metals was minimal. Generally, it seems that the dampening of the total suspended solids had a direct effect on the removal of metals dissolved in solution.The research on which the report is based was financed in part by the United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, through grant number 14-08-0001-61313 to the Water Research Center

    Reproducibility of physiological and performance measures from a squash-specific fitness test

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    Purpose We examined the reproducibility of performance and physiological responses on a squash-specific incremental test. Methods Eight trained squash players habituated to procedures with two prior visits performed an incremental squash test to volitional exhaustion on two occasions 7 days apart. Breath-by-breath oxygen uptake (Vo2) and heart rate were determined continuously using a portable telemetric system. Blood lactate concentration at the end of 4-min stages was assessed to determine lactate threshold. Once threshold was determined, test speed was increased every minute until volitional exhaustion for assessment of maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2max), maximum heart rate (HRmax), and performance time. Economy was taken as the 60-s mean of Vo2 in the final minute of the fourth stage (below lactate threshold for all participants). Typical error of measurement (TEM) with associated 90% confidence intervals, limits of agreement, paired sample t tests, and least products regression were used to assess the reproducibility of scores. Results Performance time (TEM 27 s, 4%, 90% CI 19 to 49 s) Vo2max (TEM 2.4 mL·kg−1·min−1, 4.7%, 90% CI 1.7 to 4.3 mL·kg−1·min−1), maximum heart rate (TEM 2 beats·min−1, 1.3%, 90% CI 2 to 4 beats·min−1), and economy (TEM 1.6 mL·kg−1·min−1, 4.1%, 90% CI 1.1 to 2.8 mL·kg−1·min−1) were reproducible. Conclusions The results suggest that endurance performance and physiological responses to a squash-specific fitness test are reproducible

    Validity of a squash-specific test of change-of-direction speed

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    Purpose: We examined the validity and reproducibility of a squash-specific test designed to assess change-of-direction speed. Methods: 10 male squash and 10 male association-football and rugby-union players completed the Illinois agility run (IAR) and a squash change-of-direction-speed test (SCODS) on separate days. Tests were repeated after 24 h to assess reproducibility. The best time from three attempts was recorded in each trial. Results: Performance times on the IAR (TE 0.27 s, 1.8%, 90% CI 0.21 to 0.37 s; LOA −0.12 s ± 0.74; LPR slope 1, intercept −2.8) and SCODS (TE 0.18 s, 1.5%, 90% CI 0.14 to 0.24 s; LOA 0.05 s ± 0.49; LPR slope 0.95, intercept 0.5) were reproducible. There were no statistically significant differences in performance time between squash (14.75 ± 0.66 s) and nonsquash players (14.79 ± 0.41 s) on the IAR. Squash players (10.90 ± 0.44 s) outperformed nonsquash players (12.20 ± 0.34 s) on the SCODS (P < .01). Squash player rank significantly correlated with SCODS performance time (Spearman’s ρ = 0.77, P < .01), but not IAR performance time (Spearman’s ρ = 0.43, P = .21). Conclusions: The results suggest that the SCODS test is a better measure of sport-specific capability than an equivalent nonspecific field test and that it is a valid and reliable tool for talent identification and athlete tracking

    Cooling of the crust in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary MXB 1659-29

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    In quasi-persistent neutron star transients, long outbursts cause the neutron star crust to be heated out of thermal equilibrium with the rest of the star. During quiescence, the crust then cools back down. Such crustal cooling has been observed in two quasi-persistent sources: KS 1731-260 and MXB 1659-29. Here we present an additional Chandra observation of MXB 1659-29 in quiescence, which extends the baseline of monitoring to 6.6 yr after the end of the outburst. This new observation strongly suggests that the crust has thermally relaxed, with the temperature remaining consistent over 1000 days. Fitting the temperature cooling curve with an exponential plus constant model we determine an e-folding timescale of 465 +/- 25 days, with the crust cooling to a constant surface temperature of kT = 54 +/- 2 eV (assuming D=10 kpc). From this, we infer a core temperature in the range 3.5E7-8.3E7 K (assuming D=10 kpc), with the uncertainty due to the surface composition. Importantly, we tested two neutron star atmosphere models as well as a blackbody model, and found that the thermal relaxation time of the crust is independent of the chosen model and the assumed distance.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJL, 4 pages, 1 figure

    Type I X-ray Bursts at Low Accretion Rates

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    Neutron stars, with their strong surface gravity, have interestingly short timescales for the sedimentation of heavy elements. Recent observations of unstable thermonuclear burning (observed as X-ray bursts) on the surfaces of slowly accreting neutron stars (<0.01< 0.01 of the Eddington rate) motivate us to examine how sedimentation of CNO isotopes affects the ignition of these bursts. We further estimate the burst development using a simple one-zone model with a full reaction network. We report a region of mass accretion rates for weak H flashes. Such flashes can lead to a large reservoir of He, the unstable burning of which may explain some observed long bursts (duration ∌1000\sim 1000 s).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the proceedings of the conference "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and Their Explosive Origins'', 2006 June 11--24, Cefalu, Sicily (Italy), to be published by AI

    Hydrodynamic Thermonuclear Runaways in Superbursts

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    We calculate the thermal and dynamical evolution of the surface layers of an accreting neutron star during the rise of a superburst. For the first few hours following unstable 12C ignition, the nuclear energy release is transported by convection. However, as the base temperature rises, the heating time becomes shorter than the eddy turnover time and convection becomes inefficient. This results in a hydrodynamic nuclear runaway, in which the heating time becomes shorter than the local dynamical time. Such hydrodynamic burning can drive shock waves into the surrounding layers and may be the trigger for the normal X-ray burst found to immediately precede the onset of the superburst in both cases where the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer was observing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (emulateapj), accepted to ApJ Letter
